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BMTA Newsletter – Winter 2019/20

BMTA Newsletter Winter 201920 Front Cover

This issue features articles on data processing and storage, sampling methods for characterising volatile organic compounds emitted from medical devices and standards with an aid to child safety.


BMTA Newsletter Winter 201920 Front Cover 

Quick links to this issue’s articles

02 Editor’s Note

03 Meet Our Newsletter Contributors

04 News

06 Features

15 Training Courses & Events

16 Member Notices

Spring Newsletter 2020

The next theme for our Spring 2020 issue is:

the challenges and opportunities of digital technologies on the world of measurement and testing (AI, AR, VR etc).

To help us provide our BMTA members with useful information we would like your help to:

  • identify and share relevant topics;
  • provide research on new technologies or techniques;
  • let us know industry news;
  • promote events and training sessions;
  • inform us of publications you think may be of interest to your fellow BMTA members.

Equally, should your business produce any information, white papers or interviews that you
would like to share, please submit this to