This series of technical notices sets out information to allow businesses and citizens to understand what they would need to do in a ‘no deal’ scenario, so they can make informed plans and preparations.
It explains the future arrangements for the regulation of most goods covered by the EU’s New Approach, which includes those regulated under the ‘New Legislative Framework’ as well as machinery. In particular it covers arrangements for conformity assessment (the testing of goods to ensure they meet relevant requirements). These goods are subject to EU-wide product specific rules. These arrangements will apply in the unlikely event that the UK exits the EU without a deal in March 2019.
For example: Companies will not be able to use the CE mark in a NO DEAL scenario. The technical notice sets out that the UK will unilaterally recognise conformity assessment and CE marks for a time limited period after March 2019. This will mean that all EU based conformity assessment will be recognised in the UK, but UK assessments will not be valid in the EU. At this point there is no indication as to what the ‘time limited’ period is likely to be. In discussion this appears to be something that Government will address when the need and time arises.
At the same time the UK will immediately set up its own framework with a UK Mark. This framework will be in step with CE standards and the bodies in the UK currently recognised would be instantly converted to UK bodies.
If you would like further information, please follow the link No Deal – Trading Goods Regulated.