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Sanctions on Russian Federation

Sanctions on Russian Federation

Jeff Llewellyn, President BMTA, provides us with the latest information from BMTA on UK sanctions and what it means to our members.

BMTA has written to UKAS asking them to propose that in light of trade sanctions by the UK Government, the Russian Federation should be expelled from the International Co-operation on Laboratory Accreditation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). UKAS has already suspended accreditation of two Russian organisations. BMTA has also written to the Office of Product Safety and Standards (OP &S) proposing that the Russian Federation should be suspended from the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML). OPS&S has contacted both organisations but as yet has not had encouraging responses.


UKAS has reminded all UKAS accredited bodies to monitor relevant sanctions imposed by the UK Government with the following letter:

You are without doubt monitoring the ongoing situation in Ukraine and its impact upon your people, activities, and customers. For that same reason, we are contacting you regarding the expanding range of international sanctions placed upon Russia and Belarus and its impact on UKAS accreditation.

At UKAS we believe in the need for democratic cooperation and respectful partnerships to build mutual recognition across borders. We join with our partners in EA, ILAC and IAF to convey our support to our colleagues from the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU). We back all efforts undertaken by the international community to protect people and reach a solution restoring security and compliance with international law. 

Consequently, UKAS requires that all its accredited conformity assessment bodies operate in full compliance with relevant sanctions imposed by the UK Government.  

It is our expectation that you will take appropriate and timely action to ensure that you are operating in full compliance with relevant sanctions and ensure no UKAS accredited conformity assessment activities are provided to persons or bodies covered by relevant sanctions. 

We appreciate that this is an emerging situation, and the sanctions (from multiple jurisdictions) are evolving. Hence, this will require careful ongoing review and consideration, on your behalf, to ensure compliance whilst also avoiding non-sanctioned persons or bodies from being unduly affected.   

To find more about UK Government sanctions please visit: 

See  for more information. 

Government advice

In addition, this page on the Government website provides guidance on the UK’s sanctions regime relating to Russia.

Gov – 


The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) helps to ensure that financial sanctions are properly understood, implemented and enforced in the United Kingdom.

In this blog, OFSI sets out some of the changes that have been put in place, and where stakeholders can find more information.


BMTA members are reminded that they must comply with UK Government trade sanctions.