< Previousbmta.co.uk UKAS AND THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Hugh Taylor, External Affairs Consultant, UKAS The Fourth Industrial Revolution – IR4.0 for short – is a catch-all term for a wide range of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, 3D Printing, Autonomous Vehicles and Blockchain, to name but a few aspects of it. Already it is affecting all our lives, at work and at home, in ways we often barely notice. For instance, that friendly “how can I help?” window that pops up when you are searching online for insurance is almost certainly a ‘chatbot’, a computer whose algorithms have been programmed to understand your requirements and answer your questions. More and more industries are using these technologies to automate their processes, removing the human element (hence making them more consistent – and saving money!) while making them faster and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Even in situations such as clinical diagnosis – which has previously required highly trained doctors – there are now advanced apps that can screen and diagnose illnesses without human intervention, amidst claims that they can be more accurate than a human doctor. In reality, there may still be a stage where a trained human reviews and confirms the work of the computer but a lot of the ‘legwork’ has been done by the machine. There are two ways in which this matters to UKAS. Firstly, these technologies open up new possibilities that UKAS – and its accredited customers – could use for assessing the performance of a product, system or individual. To some extent, we have already seen this from the step-change to remote assessments brought about by the pandemic. UKAS has been a pioneer of remote assessment techniques and will soon be launching an online certificate verification database utilising distributed ledger technology (also known as blockchain) that will ensure everyone who relies upon UKAS accredited certification can be sure of the accuracy and validity of their suppliers’ certification. 20 J K Rowling has yet to write a book called “Harry Potter and the Fourth Industrial Revolution” but she might want to consider it – it’s something that will affect us all and there’s more than a little bit of magic involved. But what exactly is it all about?Secondly, and more importantly, the world in which we operate is going to change significantly. As more and more activity takes place in a virtual way, for instance within the unseen confines of a computer’s algorithms, the way UKAS – and UKAS customers – carry out assessments is going to change. There will be less physical evidence to examine. Whereas before we may have asked “Show me how….”, in future, the assessor will be asking for proof that what happens within a ‘black box’ gives the required outcomes. In many ways, the question is the same but the ways of demonstrating the answer will be quite different. At the start of 2021, UKAS set up a small internal Steering Group to examine the issues that IR4.0 presents to UKAS and to its wider stakeholders, including end-users. As part of this work, we carried out a social media survey of our stakeholders, receiving responses from as far away as Argentina and Mauritius, but it was notable that many stakeholders had little idea of what IR4.0 was about or how it would affect them. We followed this up with a series of roundtable events where we held in-depth discussions with groups of IR4.0 experts, customers and stakeholders, including government departments. One important theme that emerged from these roundtables was the need to set appropriate guiding principles at an early stage, which could range from a simple directional framework at one extreme to full-blown regulation at the other. In the coming months, we will be developing these discussions further and will be expanding our Steering Group to involve external contributors from across the spectrum of our work. One recent output from this work was the paper published in July by BEIS in conjunction with UKAS and its UK Quality Infrastructure partners entitled ‘Standards for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, which forms part of the government’s wider industrial strategy. The full paper can be found here https://assets. publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1004999/Standards_ for_the_Fourth_Industrial_Revolution.pdf For more information, or to discuss areas where you see IR4.0 having an impact already, please contact Hugh Taylor (hugh.taylor@ukas.com) bmta.co.uk 21bmta.co.uk AN INTRODUCTION TO DIGITALISATION Daniel Povey, Higher Research Scientist, NPL Digitalisation is a term often used in reference to the use of digital technologies to update, transform, or otherwise generate additional value from processes and/or opportunities. In industry, and particularly in manufacturing, it is most commonly used to refer to the implementation of systems that capture information about a process, which can then be used in analysis and optimisation. Broadly speaking, it is a desirable activity for most businesses to undertake: the prospects of improved process insight, efficiency, and performance are hard to ignore. Digitalisation could refer to the implementation of any number of modern digital technologies. From Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to robotic automation, or machine-learning-generated process insights. In all cases, however, digitalisation is about the generation of data and using it to inform decisions. Confidence in Data One of the most important aspects to understand when using data to inform decision-making is the need for confidence in that data. Decisions informed by poor data are likely to be poor decisions, leading to disruptions, inefficiencies, loss of income, and at worst: risk to the health and safety of operators. To have confidence in a data-based decision, there must be a chain of traceability that leads from baseline measurements through transfer, processing, and analysis of data, up until the moment a decision is made. Often the first step to establishing this traceability is to ensure that implemented sensors are fit for purpose. These measurement devices are the foundation on which the decision-making infrastructure is built, and any uncertainty introduced at this stage will propagate through to the end decision. Whether that decision is to implement a process alteration, estimate a production quantity, or implement a countermeasure such as a full-stop in the event of a major fault, it is vital to understand how that uncertainty contributes to the final decision. Thus, it is critical that the sensors have an appropriate combination of accuracy, reliability, and precision. By using calibrated and validated sensors, demonstrating traceability back to national standards, confidence in the data is improved and the first link in the traceability chain is established. Confidence must be maintained throughout the lifecycle of the data, so any intermediate operations between data capture and decision-making must also be validated and verified. This will ensure that any uncertainty in the measurements is correctly identified, and its propagation tracked throughout the chain. It is not always a simple task to ensure confidence in data: there are a huge number of variables that can affect a particular sensor’s viability for a specific purpose, as well as logistical considerations for the timely transport and analysis of data that could prove just as important as the measurements themselves. As such, the digitalisation of a process requires not only an intimate knowledge of the process that is being digitalised, but also the solutions being used to enable it. 22bmta.co.uk 23 Digitalisation Test Beds at NPL In a collaboration with the University of Birmingham and Kings College London, funded by UKRI, the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) investigated the application of digitalisation technologies to face mask testing. Specifically, the possibility of using a combination of dimensional analysis and digital modelling to assess the performance of bespoke face masks in physical testing was explored. The Tests The key performance metrics of the face masks under consideration are the filtration efficiency of the mask filters and the leakage of the masks around the perimeter of the seal when donned to a human face. The physical tests themselves were based on those found in Standards, but adapted for improved reproducibility; modifications such as the use of a silicone headform in place of live human test subjects were implemented. A schematic of the test apparatus can be seen in Figure 1. By fitting a face mask to the silicone headform, the test apparatus was used to measure the particle leakage and (using only the filter rather than the headform) the particle filtration efficiency of the face masks and their filter material, respectively. Dimensional Validation The fit of the mask itself was assessed using a contactless laser line scanner to identify gaps. Data from these dimensional measurements were compared against CAD models of the mask and head form to identify gaps in the fit, as well as deviations of the physical components from the models used in their manufacture. Figure 1: Schematic of the filtration efficiency test used in the investigation.bmta.co.uk 24 Digitalising the Tests The digitalisation of this test method takes the form of a finite element analysis (FEA) model, in which the silicone head form and the face mask assembly are modelled for contact analysis. It is hoped that, by validating this model using data from the physical testbed, a robust prediction of the performance of each head form and face mask combination can be produced. More specifically: filtration efficiency and leakage results from the physical tests are to be analysed with respect to the dimensional measurements performed on the tested headform/face mask combination. Correlations arising from this analysis are to be used to validate the virtual model – such that (with sufficient data used to inform the model) it would be possible to accurately predict the leakage and filtration for any given combination of headform and face mask. It is hoped that the output of this investigation will lead to improved face mask test methods, as well as enable the viable production of bespoke face masks – tailored to specific headform or facial scan data. Figure 2: “Heat-map” of the deviation of the fit of the physical mask and headform.bmta.co.uk 25 Conclusions Digitalisation is a highly desirable activity for a majority of businesses wishing to remain abreast of the latest technologies that can be used to optimise processes. In all cases, but particularly in manufacturing, the traceability of data produced by a digitalisation solution must be completely traceable in order to minimise risk to employees and consumers. This traceability requires an overlap of highly specialised skills and subject knowledge in both the process and its digitalisation. As the UK’s National Measurement Institute, NPL’s role is to support UK industry – meaning that the digitalisation of industrial processes is an area of active interest and research. At NPL, we are happy to discuss potential projects involving the development and implementation of digitalisation solutions. Figure 3: Contact pressure modelling of the silicone headform and face mask.bmta.co.uk A BLENDED APPROACH TO AUDITING Wayne Terry, Chief Executive, ABCB Wayne Terry, Chief Executive of ABCB, explores the lessons learned from remote auditing during the lockdown and looks at the growing evidence of support for a blended approach to auditing in what he believes will inevitably be the new normal for CABs (Conformity Assessment Bodies) as we begin to get back to on track and out of the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, necessity required the significant adoption of remote auditing in most countries around the world. Indeed, we witnessed a swift and dramatic shift in the way audits were carried out to maintain accreditation and certification, keeping supply chains open and shelves stocked. Although ABCB members primarily focus on Management Systems, I believe the rapid change and numerous innovations in remote auditing techniques, tools and methodologies used during the pandemic can be attuned to all forms of attestation, albeit maybe to a lesser degree dependent on individual situations. The experience gained by the certification and accreditation community has led to fantastic advances, which we must use going forward while continuing to maintain the integrity of accreditation. This seismic shift in operational methodology should also help CABs to work towards reducing their carbon footprint by significantly reducing the need for both national and international travel, including that of accreditation bodies. So, post lockdown, what will the future of audits and assessments look like? How will these lessons and benefits be utilised to improve their effectiveness and enhance the benefits of ISO standards to end-users? With this question in mind, ABCB recently began discussions with UKAS to explore the move back to “normality” as lockdown restrictions lift. In particular, how the approach to remote auditing and the guidance around it will change to retain the benefits gained, while at the same time maintaining the value and the integrity of accredited certification. There is no doubt this important topic is facing all Accreditation Bodies and CABs around the world. So with this in mind, a joint task force was initiated by the UKAS Management System Certification Technical Advisory Committee involving other CB representative bodies and key stakeholders to develop an agreed blended approach to what will become the new normal. Naturally, the approach needs to ensure that the integrity of the audit process is maintained and in line with current frameworks and mandatory documents. Although previous restrictions on remote audits have currently been relaxed, there will need to be a review to facilitate the adoption of a more risk-based approach that takes into account the way individual clients deploy and maintain their systems and industry-specific factors. The task force has completed its work and UKAS have now published TPS 74 UKAS guidance on the use of a blended approach to auditing of management systems by certification bodies. Although TPS 74 focuses on Management Systems Certification, the rest of the certification industry must be agile and work with accreditors to produce similar documents that can be adopted to achieve comparable outcomes. 26Support for a New Approach The use of remote techniques is supported by a recent joint IAF/ILAC/ISO survey of more than 4000 participants, which showed a highly positive view of remote techniques. Respondents saw many benefits to the use of remote activities during pandemic conditions including: • Maintenance of status of recognition/accreditation/certification: 98% felt remote activities were beneficial or somewhat beneficial • Reduced travel time and costs: 96% • Reduced travel risk: 95% • Reduced environmental footprint: 95% • Efficient use of personnel being audited/assessed/evaluated: 87% • Opportunity for witness activities in one or more sites/facilities: 82.5% • Keeping to strict time/schedule of the audit/assessment/evaluation plan: 82% In terms of the future: • 79% said that they would like to see blended (remote and on-site) or remote procedures used • 80% agreed that remote procedures give the same confidence as on-site audits • 91.5% felt that a substantial increase in remote techniques will stimulate the use of new processes • 97.5% agreed to some extent that new technologies and alternative techniques should be used • What is of significant interest to the joint survey is that Users were the largest group of respondents at 40% What’s Next The publication of TPS 74 and the above survey are just two of the various activities happening in this space. By way of example, one other is a new task force set up by IAF to bring in and review global evidence of remote techniques to look at the possibility of setting a consensus approach to the future of auditing. It’s up to CABs and CAB associations to collaborate with accreditors to achieve better outcomes for the entire quality infrastructure and end-users. bmta.co.uk 27bmta.co.uk THE ADVANCED MACHINERY AND PRODUCTIVITY INSTITUTE Andy Morris, Operations Manager, NPL North of England Gareth Edwards AMPI programme Director, NPL Tony Bannan CEO PTG Holroyd, President of AMPI The UK has a rich and diverse supply chain of innovative developers and manufacturers of advanced machinery technology and yet consistently imports more high-tech equipment than it exports. It is notable that those countries from which we import have established programmes of support for innovation, focusing on the development of advanced machinery. An opportunity exists for the UK to harness its strengths and take the lead in the development and supply of next-generation advanced machinery. The Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute (AMPI) is an industry-led initiative driving innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery designers, manufacturers and users. AMPI will stimulate and support the rapid growth of the UK’s machinery manufacturing sector as it transitions to highly integrated digital solutions with sophisticated automated and autonomous robotic systems. Embedded metrology will produce data to monitor and 28 Credit: PTG Holroydbmta.co.uk 29 control systems with well-defined levels of accuracy and precision and will provide a high degree of confidence in these systems. It will enable invention, realise innovation, and increase the adoption of new machinery and robotics through UK equipment manufacturers. In support of AMPI’s objectives an industrial-academic consortium, led by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) developed the concept and secured a five-year, £22.6 million UKRI Strength in Places Fund (SIPF) programme to stimulate innovation and adoption of new technology. This collaborative programme will achieve regional growth in the North of England and will benefit industry across the whole of the UK. The North of England has an active and high concentration of industrial expertise in the design, development and manufacture of complex machinery. This machinery is used in a wide range of industries to manufacture products such as pharmaceuticals, food and drink, and automotive components. The region also has some of the world’s leading academics in industrial research, including robotics, advanced materials, automation, metrology and artificial intelligence. Industrially defined flagship innovation projects have been funded within the SIPF programme and more are being developed. These build on the strong research and innovation resources and proven innovation track record of the region’s advanced machinery businesses with cooperation from research partners. To grow the R&D activity within the sector, new innovative and collaborative projects are encouraged within the programme and will include: ● New industry-led projects to create additional prototype machinery for emerging sectors/ applications. ●New industry-led projects to create sub-systems (mechanical, electrical, software or mechatronic) as products. ●Extending or additional areas of academic research to address an emerging challenge. ● New research to leapfrog existing industrial capability. As the lead partner in the SIPF-funded initiative, NPL will manage the programme on behalf of the consortium and, as the UK’s National Metrology Institute, will deliver world-class metrology to all participants and projects. NPL will be working in partnership with Rochdale-based precision machine tool maker Precision Technologies Group (Holroyd), Fives Landis, Wayland Additive, CR Solutions, Rochdale Development Agency, Advanced Machinery & Productivity Initiative Ltd, University of Huddersfield’s Centre for Precision Technologies (CPT), University of Leeds’ Institute of Design, Robotics and Optimisation, The University of Manchester’s Departments of Materials and Electrical and Electronic Engineering and University of Salford’s Centre for Autonomous Systems & Advanced Robotics (ASAR). NPL will bring its wealth of scientific and engineering knowledge to these programmes to support digitalisation and the application of metrology principles which will deliver the data needed to optimise the operations of next-generation machinery and robotics. The quality of data and the knowledge of the accuracy and precision of data is essential in feeding back on machine performance and adjusting parameters ‘on the fly’. 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