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The BMTA (British Measurement and Testing Association) was formed to develop and represent the interests of the UK’s measurement and testing industry. 

The BMTA provides a forum for the exchange of views on topics relating to measurements across all technical disciplines and promotes education and training in measurement and testing as well as identifying common measurement problems and promoting their solutions. The BMTA also represents the European interests of the industry by arranging representation on EUROLAB via the EUROLAB UK consortium.

The updated BMTA website has a host of new capabilities for members, including training updates, a live jobs board – free for members – and editable member profiles. We also post regular training discounts and special offers. Our website is very popular, with over 1,000 visitors on average each month, so updating your profile and providing regular content is a great way to get your company or organisation in front of the people who matter.


Membership of the BMTA is open to all laboratory-based organisations associated with the measurement and testing industry. Membership fees are worked out based on the size of your organisation so that even the smallest organisation is able to afford membership. Benefits include access to informative resources, dedicated trade listings and jobs boards, networking opportunities, member discounts and the opportunity to influence legislation and make a real change in the industry.

Stay ahead of the current trends and news

Membership of BMTA offers you full access to regular updates via our newsletter and website content on the latest industry news and feature articles.

Look for and advertise roles within the industry

Our jobs board showcases the best roles in metrology and calibration, connecting you with the brightest minds in your industry. Advertising on the board is free for members.

Stay up to date on training and guidelines

Membership of BMTA gives you free access to informative resources, such as surveys, reports, forecasts, market information, whitepapers and the latest guidelines that may impact upon your business and industry.

Network and get new business leads

As a member of BMTA you’ll be able to share ideas, ask questions and play a role in determining changes and new processes in the industry. Generate new contacts, clients and partners and strengthen business relationships by attending our high-quality networking and knowledge-transfer events with our high-profile membership base which includes UKAS, NEL, NPL, LGC and HSL.

Make change in your industry 

As a member of BMTA you have the potential to influence legislation that affects the industry and help lobby lawmakers and sway public opinion more positively. BMTA provides representation of members’ interests to UK and EU governments, civil servants, industry committees and alliances. We relay our members’ views to the Government, UKAS and other official bodies, and have a track record of achieving change, providing you with authority in your field. 

Influence standards 

BMTA membership gives you the chance to represent us on BSI technical committees. By giving you an insight into future changes that may impact your business, BMTA will encourage you to make your voice heard and your views known in the standards making process, both nationally and internationally. 

Get discounts on training 

Receive up to 20% discount on courses in our training directory and up to 50% off the cost of attending BMTA workshops and seminars, which cover a wide range of topics relevant to the measurement and testing industry. 

Get discounts on tenders

Receive up to 20% discount with the UK’s most accurate tender alert service – Tenders Direct, who read and categorise every public sector tender in the UK, ROI and OJEU delivering accurate and relevant opportunities for your business. Learn more

Receive free government funding advice

BMTA membership gives you access to government funding in the form of tax incentives and reliefs such as R&D tax credits, capital allowances, Patent Box and grants. Learn more

Get discounts on Dell products

Receive up to 20% discount off laptops, desktops and accessories as well as free access to Dell’s highly trained small business technology advisors to help grow your business. Learn more

Discounted HR and employment law support 

Delivered in partnership with Make UK Legal Services, BMTA membership offers you access to your own team of employment law solicitors, barristers and HR professionals at a fraction of the usual price. Learn more


Associate (individual)

£166 + VAT

Fewer than 7 employees or partners

£352 + VAT

Between 8 and 24 employees or partners

£642 + VAT

Between 25 and 250 employees or partners

£1117 + VAT

More than 250 employees or partners

£1438 + VAT