- To develop and, when appropriate, represent the interests of the Measurement and Testing Industry in the United Kingdom
- To provide a forum for the exchange of views on topics relating to measurements across all technical disciplines
- To disseminate up-to-date information on measurement methods and techniques
- To provide informed comment and suggestions on National Measurement System programmes
- To support the development of both measurement and specification standards
- To identify common measurement problems and to promote their solution
- To represent the European interests of the British Measurement and Testing Industry by arranging representation on EUROLAB via the EUROLAB UK consortium
- To promote education and training in the fields of measurement and testing
The BMTA council is elected by the members and is a powerful way to effect change in the industry.
The council meets regularly to discuss regulatory issues and to find ways to lobby and campaign for necessary changes as well as shaping the contents of the newsletter.
If you are the representative from a member organisation and are interested in joining the council please contact the office (
Council Members
Dr Jeff Llewellyn – Consultant
Steven Owen – Intertek
Tony Smith – Consultant
Bob Faulding – The GRC Centre Ltd
Carol Stewart – Element Materials Technology
Gavin Davies – Markes International
Graham McKay – BSI
Graham Topley – NPL
Jake Bishop – IndySoft
Mannie Panesar – OPS&S/NMO
Matt Gypps – Trescal
Shahm Barhom – BSI Group
Stephen Wilkins – Davies Development & Testing Ltd
As a large number of BMTA member organisations operate accredited laboratories, we strive to maintain a good working relationship with UKAS.
UKAS is the sole national body recognised by Government for the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories, certification bodies and inspection bodies. It operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government through the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills. Further details on the role of UKAS, its structure, contacts etc. can be found on the UKAS website
BMTA represents the interests and views of its members at regular meetings of the UKAS Policy Advisory Committee (PAC), at the annual Operational Forum Meeting and by responding to the UKAS Annual Strategic Review. In addition, there are many informal links with UKAS whose Director of Accreditation regularly attends BMTA technical meetings for discussions with BMTA Members.
EUROLAB (European Federation of National Associations of Measurement, Testing and Analytical Laboratories) was created in 1990 in response to the need for a coherent Europe-wide organisation to encourage technical harmonisation and cooperation essential for trade.
The EUROLAB General Assembly meets at least once per year to decide on major issues on measurement and testing, and to elect the EUROLAB Chairman and members of the Executive Committee. BMTA continues to engage with Eurolab on behalf of UK Calibration, Measurement and Test organisations.
More details on EUROLAB activities can be found on
The BSI Group is the National Standards Body of the UK and develops standards and standardisation solutions to meet the needs of business and society. They work with government, businesses and consumers to represent UK interests and facilitate the production of British, European and international standards. The website is
BMTA is a Representative Association eligible for serving on BSI Technical Committees concerned with measurement and testing. Currently, through its members, BMTA is represented on about forty BSI Technical Committees.